The Bongalong Team

Our session leaders come from a variety of backgrounds as musicians, actors or teachers and many are parents themselves. They are all CRB-checked.

If you’d like to join the Bongalong Team email to find out more.


Fiona is a primary school teacher with 20 years experience, working in Westminster and Tower Hamlets. She has a drama and education degree from Cambridge University. Fiona has lived in Walthamstow, East London for over 20 years and her three children all attended Music Makers/Bongalong.


Rachael is a Secondary Drama Teacher who has taught in both the UK and Australia for the past 13 years. She and her children have loved attending Bongalong sessions over the past few years, which is what inspired her to join the team! Rachael loves Musical Theatre and playing the ukulele.

Our philosophy

Bongalong’s original music classes have been educating thousands of young children aged 0-5 years since 1993. We have spent over 20 years creating and developing many original songs, themes, games and ideas.

We believe children learn if they are having fun in a positive, secure and creative environment. We accept and value each adult and child for who they are. We make no judgements. Bongalong is not about how well a child ‘performs’. As long as he or she is attending regularly, whether they are passive or active, they will gain. We encourage but we do not impose any pressure.

Exploring the cabasa at under ones

Our aims

Within each music class, every idea we use is carefully worked out with clear aims and objectives. These ideas are then developed from week to week gradually to include new ideas so there is variety and repetition, a necessary combination for young children to learn.

Through this process we can make sure that all areas of a child’s development are covered. For you and your child/children the result is a fun session where the children cannot help but learn as they play!