Bongalong Sessions
The way we use music, movement and drama supports the developmental stages your child/children will go through from baby and toddler stages through to pre-school.
- Songs and rhymes help speech development and language.
- Action songs and movement develop co-ordination.
- Music games encourage listening skills.
- Instruments enable exploration of sounds and effects.
- Group activity aids confidence, communication and social skills.
- Props and costumes stimulate imagination and roleplay at home.
The Bongalong Philosophy:
We believe children learn if they are having fun in a positive, secure and creative environment. We accept and value each adult and child for who they are. We make no judgements. Bongalong is not about how well a child ‘performs’. As long as he or she is attending regularly, whether they are passive or active, they will gain. We encourage but we do not impose any pressure.
Children are given the opportunity to participate at all levels; but if a child wants to just sit and watch, soaking it all in, then that too is fine.
Everyone attends a regular session time on a weekly basis, booking for a term at a time. Groups therefore remain constant, helping to build confidence and opportunities to learn in a secure and familiar environment.
You might attend a group for mixed under-fives, or just for under-ones. We provide classes for parents and children, nurseries and other Early Years organisations.
Under Ones
If you have just had a baby, come along and try one of our Under Ones Sessions. These sessions are particularly aimed at first time parent/carers but are open to anyone who has a baby under the age of one.
Find out more about Bongalong for Under Ones
Under Fives
With regular attendance, groups remain constant, helping to build confidence and providing opportunities to learn in a fun, secure and familiar environment.
The way we use music, movement and drama supports the developmental stages your child/children will go through between 0-5 years: supporting speech development and language, developing coordination and encouraging listening skills.
Instruments enable exploration of sounds and effects.
Bongalong music sessions aid confidence, communication and social skills. Our props and costumes stimulate imagination and role-play at home.
Find out more about Bongalong for Under Fives
Adults too!
Bongalong is for you the adult as well if you have children under the age of five. Adults are asked to participate fully with children during each class. This is partly for your pleasure as singing and dancing to music is always uplifting whatever age you are! (We never put anyone on the spot!) It is also to support your child/children.
If you are joining in then you are having fun together which is vital for a child’s development. It also means you can remember what has happened to help your child if they want to re-enact anything at home.
We also have an informal refreshment time at the end of each session. This serves two purposes. Time to chat informally with others in the group and, a chance for your child to try that favourite instrument again.